
This page gives your a guide for how to set up the basic configuration for me-api. Head over to Integrate with your sites for further information.

Install from Souce Code

Clone the fresh code and go into the directory:

$ git clone git@github.com:lord63/me-api.git
$ cd me-api

Install the requirements(recommend using virtualenv):

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt

Configure Me-api

Init the json files:

(venv)$ python generate init

Answer several questions according to the prompt. It will help you generate me.json and modules.json in the me_api/me_api/ folder. When choosing middlewares, I suggest using github for demo purpose, very easy to set up, only username required.

Note that ‘path’ should have a leading slash(e.g. ‘/github’), and ‘username’ in the prompt have an ‘@’ should have an ‘@’.

Once generated the config file, now you have a very simple demo, run it using:

(venv)$ python manage.py runserver

Open ‘localhost:5000’ in your broswer and take a look.