Develop a new middleware

Since many websites use OAuth2 for their APIs, many middlewares seems very similar to each other. If you’ve created a middleware, it should be easy for you to create another one. You can take a look at and

For these don’t need access token, can’t be esay any more. Take a look at, and

Build a universal middleware

This chapter is for those public service, such as Instagram, github and etc. I’ll take instagram as an example to show you how to develop a universal middleware.

1. Add the New Middleware

Add a new middleware in me-api/me-api/middlewares folder, in this example, we add a new middleware named instagram:

I’ll take this one into details:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

# Import modules you need.
import os
import requests
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request, redirect

# Import cache, config and help utils.
from me_api.cache import cache
from me_api.middleware.utils import (MiddlewareConfig, token_required,

# Get configuration from our `modules.json`.
config = MiddlewareConfig('instagram')
# Our main blueprint.
instagram_api = Blueprint('instagram', __name__, url_prefix=config.path)

# Get information once we have access token, remember to set
# a proper timeout for the middleware cache.
def index():

# Get authorization_code.
def authorization():

# Get access token we need.
def get_access_token():

2. Register the Blueprint

Update me-api/me-api/, so that we can register the blueprint according to the config file, sorted by alphabetical:

middlewares = {
    'instagram': 'me_api.middlewares.instagram:instagram_api',

3. Update the Generate Script

Update the TEMPLATE in me-api/ so that we can generate its configuration, middlewares are sorted by alphabetical:

"instagram": {
    "path": "Input the path(e.g. /photos): ",
    "data": {
        "client_id": "Input the 'Client ID' for instagram: ",
        "client_secret": "Input the 'Client Secret' for instagram: ",
        "access_token": ""

path: where you host your middleware, for example, you can host instagram middleware on /photos.

data: contain data we need when authorize our app, data should have a flat structure, don’t add another dict in data, see issue#6.

Note that we need the access token, just leave it blank as showing above.

Build a specific middleware

This is for some specific usages, for example, develop a custom middleware only for your own sites, cause they don’t born with API support, you have to roll your own API.

I’ll take my blog as an example to show you how to develop a specific middleware.

1. Add the New Middleware

In fact, it’s not difficult at all, just parse your blog posts and make an dict then return it. The result is under your control, make the modify as you like. A thousand people may have one thousand different kinds of blogs. I can’t cover them all, but I hope you can get some inspirations from this example. Remember, it’s your site, it’s your own API, feel free to build something.

Here is the custom middleware for my blog:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

import requests
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify
from lxml import html

from me_api.cache import cache
from me_api.middleware.utils import MiddlewareConfig

config = MiddlewareConfig('blog')
blog_api = Blueprint('blog', __name__, url_prefix=config.path)

def index():
        response = requests.get('')
        tree = html.fromstring(response.text)
        titles = [title.strip() for title in
                  if title.strip()]
        dates = tree.xpath('//small[@class="datetime muted"]/span/text()')
        blog = {"name": "lord63's blog", "powered_by": "pelican",
                "author": "lord63", "theme": "pelican-scribble-hex",
                "site": ""}
        blog["posts"] = [{"title": title, "date": date} for title, date in
                         zip(titles, dates)]
    except requests.RequestException as error:
        return jsonify(error_message=str(error.message))
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return jsonify(blog=blog)
        return jsonify(status_code=response.status_code)

2. Register the Blueprint

Update me-api/me-api/, so that we can register the blueprint according to the config file, sorted by alphabetical:

middlewares = {
    'blog': '',

3. Update the Generate Script

You can skip it, because this middleware is used only by youself.

Update the TEMPLATE in me-api/, middlewares are sorted by alphabetical:

"blog": {
    "path": "Input the path(e.g. /blog): "